UX – User Experience

User Experience Resources

Below you will find some interesting links about User Experience Innovations for Libraries and an infographic that gathers some of the main points to develop a successful user experience.
Please write to Anna Arenas if you have other suggestions

• http://dbl.lishost.org/blog/categories/user-experiences/#.Wk6AZUqnFaQ
• https://www.ned-potter.com/ux-in-libraries-resource-list/
• http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2015/03/opinion/aaron-schmidt/library-ux-in-practice-the-user-experience/#_
• http://uxpamagazine.org/the-user-experience-of-libraries/
• http://libinnovation.blogspot.co.uk

User Experience
Anna Arenas 2017